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How to Use Your Copier Invoices to Stay Ahead of Lease Renewals

As a copier dealer, one of the biggest challenges we face is helping clients navigate their lease agreements. Many of our clients have copier and printer leases, but often, they don’t have the actual lease documents on hand. Instead, they rely on monthly invoices, which—believe it or not—contain almost everything we need to make informed decisions about their equipment and lease status.

Why Invoices Matter More Than You Think

Each month, you receive a lease invoice that includes key details: the make, model, serial number, and in some cases, even meter readings for your machines. On a separate service invoice, you might see your monthly usage and how it’s calculated—like the difference between a January reading of 1 million and a February reading of 2 million.

This information is not just billing data. It’s the goldmine of details we need to assess your current lease situation, understand your equipment, and help you make better decisions.

The Problem With Relying on Your Current Sales Rep

When you’re ready to move on from your current provider, the first instinct might be to ask your sales rep for this information. Unfortunately, this can cause unnecessary delays. Some reps take forever to respond, and others may provide incorrect or incomplete data. This delay often leads to a bigger problem: automatic lease renewals.

If your lease renews automatically, you might be stuck for another year (or more) before you can upgrade or renegotiate your terms. And often, this happens because the rep postponed getting you the information you need. But the truth is, you don’t need to rely on them.

How We Can Help

All we need to help you is access to a few of your invoices. Just three to five of them can give us everything required to piece together your lease details. These invoices could be for lease payments, service charges, or even bank invoices. With this series of invoices, we can compile the make, model, serial numbers, meter readings, and other crucial details.

We’ll take that information, organize it in a way that’s easy to understand, and provide you with a clear summary of your current situation. Then, you can use this information not just to upgrade with us but to get competitive pricing from any vendor.

Help Us Help You

By sharing these invoices, you’re not just helping us—you’re helping yourself. We’re here to provide clarity about your copier and printer leases, so you have the data you need to make the best decision for your business. Whether it’s upgrading your equipment, avoiding an automatic renewal, or simply understanding what you have, the invoices are the key to it all.

So next time you’re thinking of upgrading your copiers or printers, don’t worry about tracking down lease documents. Just grab your latest invoices from accounts payable, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Document Solutions Business Life Simplified
Phone: 1-908-653-0600
Website: https://www.dsbls.com/copiers-and-printers/

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